New service: Micro-needling

A new service will be arriving at Larose de l’esthétique on September 5, 2023! It’s called microneedling, a cell stimulating treatment.

Larose de l’esthétique microneedling

The skin perforation procedure stimulates keratinocytes in the skin’s superficial layer, leading to natural healing (without scar tissue).

Keratinocytes stimulate fibroblasts and melanocytes.

As with any wound, healing takes place in three phases: inflammation, proliferation and transformation.

The result is beautiful, regenerated skin that looks young and radiant.

Magical, isn’t it?

Once the microperfectorations have been applied all over the face, our esthetician applies a customized serum based on your skin type.

This serum includes hyaluronic acid, a powerful natural moisturizer.

It then penetrates the skin and begins to do its work.

You’ll leave our clinic with a renewed face, a radiant complexion and a healthy glow!

What’s more, contrary to the images circulating on social networks, after a microneedling treatment, your face should not be bloody.

Instead, you should have a rosy complexion and a healthy glow!

Book an appointment online!

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